In just ten days Here, a standalone wallet designed for the NEAR protocol (NEAR), has enabled the creation of wallets for more than one million Telegram users. NEAR recently told that users created 300,000 wallets within the first 48 hours of the platform’s launch.
The company said the Here app has become the fastest-growing Web3 app in history due to the explosive growth in the number of users. The wallet provides the ability to easily configure multiple blockchain-enabled tools.
By using Telegram usernames as NEAR wallet addresses, it removes the difficulty of configuring wallets. As the trend of Superapps and Everything Apps gains momentum, there is integration of self-service wallets with popular social media platforms such as Telegram.
First, with a huge user base of 800 million people, Telegram maintains its leadership position among social media platforms. Users can access decentralized finances and digital assets more easily than ever before, thanks to the seamless combination of the functions of traditional messaging apps with blockchain technology.
Elon Musk also plans to turn his social media platform X into an “everything app,” supporting a variety of functions that go beyond just social media updates.
The billionaire’s plan includes incorporating features related to payments, banking and more into X, making X a hub of interaction and opportunity. The idea of creating a universal marketplace of products, services and ideas powered by artificial intelligence is at the heart of Musk’s strategy.
As Superapps and Everything Apps continue to shape the digital landscape, the ability to manage crypto assets on these platforms opens up new opportunities for those looking to explore and discover the world of cryptocurrencies. Citing “UK regulations,” cryptocurrency exchange Kraken has asked its UK users to check the identity of their wallets themselves.
Details of Kraken’s request were made available in an email sent out by Van Straten. This includes asking users to confirm ownership or control of self-managed wallets that are used for cryptocurrency transactions. Users must also provide details of third-party self-securing wallets and the home address of the owner of the wallet in question.
Meanwhile, the popularity of mainstream cryptocurrency wallets continues to grow. Google Trends statistics show that searches for the keyword “cryptocurrency wallet” increased by more than a quarter ( 27%) last year.